CMA CGM has announced the launch of a shortsea weekly service to connect Northern Greece with Egypt and Southern Turkey.

The new Greece Egypt Turkey Express (GETEX) connects North and Central Greece, Eastern Europe to Egypt and South Turkey and direct and fast connection between South Turkey and Greece with a gateway to Eastern European countries.

A single 850 teu-vessel will be deployed on the service with a rotation of Thessaloniki-Damietta-Alexandria El Dekheila- Mersin-Thessaloniki, every 10 days. The service starts on 5 October from Thessaloniki.

The service promises transit times of Thessaloniki to Damietta in two days, Thessaloniki to Mersin in five days, and Mersin to Thessaloniki in three days

The French carrier has also announced a new platform NETWORKING developed in collaboration with CEVA Logistics which already boasts more than 1,200 partners in 110 countries.

Source: Seatrade Maritime News