Orca AI’s AI-powered collision avoidance and navigation safety platform has received Product Design Assessment (PDA) certification from the American Bureau of Shipping. This is the first time an AI based navigation platform receives this certification.
This standard validates Orca AI’s solution, which automatically detects, prioritises and alerts on maritime targets to crews onboard in real time, offering uniquely enhanced situational awareness. The product is already in use by the industry’s leading brands such as MSC, Maran Tankers, TMS Gas, Enesel, Wartsila and NYK, which are relying on the system for greater safety.
The system, uniquely designed for the marine domain, consists of a software platform supported by computer vision sensors, thermal and low-light cameras, and AI-powered algorithms, a big step towards increasing safety in shipping.
ABS PDA is an assessment of materials, components, products or systems for a specific use in compliance with ABS Rules, Guides, and national or international standards. Based on PDA, the final approval is given when an engineer or surveyor accepts the assessed item for a specific user and installation.
Dor Raviv, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Orca AI, said, “This is a historic day for the shipping industry, as this certification will significantly increase situational awareness and ultimately enhance maritime navigation safety across oceans.”
“We’re proud to be driving and leading progress and consider this smart function certification by the American Bureau of Shipping a recognition of Orca AI’s continuous efforts to transform the shipping industry through the assistance and augmentation of crews with the use of data intelligence.”
Gareth Burton, ABS Vice President, Technology, said: “ABS PDA certification is a voluntary and efficient product approval solution suitable for qualified manufacturers who are targeting promotion of their products to the marine and offshore market sectors. This product, which has been recognized in accordance with the principles laid out in the ABS Guide for Smart Functions for Marine Vessels and Offshore Units, will assist the development and use of advanced technologies such as AI and data analytics to improve maritime operations”
Source: Hellenic Shipping News