At its surface, the global ocean’s temperature has hit a record-breaking level since the satellite measurements and records initially started, causing the heat waves in the oceans at a global level, per preliminary data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The average temperature recorded at the ocean floor’s top has been at 21.1C since April 2023, surpassing the earlier record of 21C established in 2016.

The current trajectory seems to be headed off the charts, smashing the earlier records, explained by Prof Matthew England, associated with the University of New South Wales, per The Guardian.

La Nina states have existed in the tropical Pacific for about three years, which has helped cool the temperatures and reduce the effect of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

The prolonged phase of cold was tamping down the global mean surface temperature, explains NOAA scientist.

Further examination observed that heat was rising to the ocean’s surface, reflecting the possibility of an El Nino pattern later in 2022 in the tropical Pacific, which could also enhance the danger of extreme weather and challenge worldwide heat records.

The latest “triple dip” La Nina is over. The prolonged cold phase had been tamping down the global mean surface temperatures irrespective of the rise of greenhouse gases in the entire atmosphere. Now that it is over, we are seeing a climate change signal coming through loudly and clearly, mentioned Dr Mike McPhaden, a scientist associated with NOAA.

Oceans have absorbed 90% of the excess heat.

Global temperatures are cooled off during the La Nina times, defined by cooling in the central and eastern tropical Pacific and more powerful trade winds.

Ocean temperatures in these areas are warmer than usual during the El Nino phases, which causes world temperatures to go up.

El Nino, which happened from up to 2016 from 2014, corresponded with the second-hottest global averaged ocean temperatures, per NOAA statistics.

Polar Regions are excluded from these statistics. The ocean has reportedly absorbed over 90% of excessive heat brought by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere due to deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

Source: Marine Insight