North America

Bunker demand in Houston is said to have slowed this week after growing steadily in the recent weeks.

Availability of VLSFO and LSMGO grades in Houston have improved this week. Some suppliers are able to deliver the grades with 4-5 days of lead time, down from last week’s 10-14 days. Availability of HSFO stems can still be tight for prompt delivery dates in Houston, but at least one supplier can deliver larger quantity stems with a longer lead time of 10 days.

Prompt delivery of VLSFO and LSMGO can be tricky in Bolivar Roads. Deliveries there are subject to weather conditions and anchorage space, a source says. Strong wind gusts are forecast on Friday, which can hold back scheduled deliveries.

Similarly, securing VLSFO and LSMGO stems can be difficult in Beaumont. One supplier is unable to commit to stems with 12 days of lead time.

Bunkering has been running smoothly in the Galveston Offshore Lightering Area (GOLA) amid calmer weather conditions. Demand has spiked in the region and most suppliers are able to accommodate VLSFO and LSMGO stems with 2-3 days of lead time as well as for days further out.

VLSFO and LSMGO availability is said to be normal at the New Orleans Outer Anchorage (NOLA). Some suppliers can also offer HSFO stems in NOLA with prompt delivery dates, a source says.

Demand has remained low in West Coast ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles this week. Availability of all grades is better than normal, with lead times of around 6-7 days.

Demand has been slightly better in Vancouver further up the North American west coast, one supplier is able to offer LSMGO stems with 10-11 days of lead time.

In the East Coast port of New York, demand has improved this week and all fuel grades can be supplied prompt. Most suppliers are able to offer stems for delivery within 1-3 days.

Caribbean and Latin America

Prompt availability of VLSFO and LSMGO remains normal in Panama’s Balboa and Cristobal, with a recommended lead time of 5-6 days. However, demand has slowed down in both Panamanian ports this week.

HSFO remains tight with suppliers in Balboa and Cristobal.

Prompt availability of VLSFO and LSMGO is normal off Trinidad. HSFO can be extremely tight in the region, with few suppliers offering stems now.

LSMGO can be delivered promptly in Jamaica’s Kingston. One supplier can deliver VLSFO stems with 6-7 days of lead time.

VLSFO and LSMGO availability is tight for prompt dates in Argentina’s Zona Comun. Both grades now require lead times of at least seven days. High winds are forecast in Zona Comun on Friday, which could trigger a bunker suspension or delays.

Prompt availability of VLSFO and LSMGO is normal in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro and Santos. Most suppliers can accommodate stems within 4-5 days of lead time.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News