Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) manages “K” Line, the video communication site for employees of “K” LINE Group, to make quantitative and qualitative progress in the implementation of the medium-term management plan known to employees in the Group as one of the initiatives towards enhancing corporate value, as set out in the medium-term management plan.

“K” LINE uses “K” Line With as a tool to share information among the Group’s global business sites, including overseas sites, to carry out operations globally, on land and sea, with a sense of unity. “K” Line With posts videos that share the content of cross-departmental projects of the Group. The TSUNAGU Project, which aims to connect vessels and land-based business sites, posts videos every week. These videos were shot on “K” LINE vessels and show scenery and crews working and living on board.

Videos posted on “K” Line With that explain progress in the implementation of the medium-term management plan and the results in the first half of FY2023 have been posted also on “K” LINE’s official website for the first time. As well as making our outside stakeholders more aware of our activities, “K” LINE aims to deepen understanding of the medium-term management plan within the Group, globally promote internal communication and information sharing, encourage a sense of solidarity as a source of the Group’s strength, and reinforce the foundation of its business operations.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News