A former BJP MLA, his son, and five others have been charged with rioting and assault in Uttar Pradesh, police reported on Thursday. The incident, which took place near a petrol pump on May 29, allegedly followed an argument, according to Santosh Kumar Singh, a resident of Karanchapra village.

Police have registered a complaint against former MLA Surendra Singh, his son Vidhya Bhushan Singh, and five others based on Santosh Singh’s allegations.

SHO Dharamveer Singh of Dokati police station stated, “An FIR was filed on Wednesday night based on the complaint, and the accused have been booked under several sections of the Indian Penal Code, including section 308 (attempt to commit culpable homicide), section 147 (rioting), section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and section 506 (criminal intimidation).”

Surendra Singh had secured the Bairia assembly seat on a BJP ticket in 2017 but was denied a ticket by the party in the 2022 elections.