NEW DELHI: Had a very fruitful meeting today at MHA., chaired by Shri Anil Malik, Addl Secretary (Foreigners) with officials from MHA, Burea of Immigration (BoI), FRRO’s, Intelligence officials, MoPSW and DG Shipping reps.
Official minutes will be issued by MHA in due course for necessary further actions.
Matters discussed:
1) Revision to Visa manual to allow Indian and foreign seafarers shore leave without any restrictions in Indian ports.
Way ahead:
- a) Amend word seamen and replace with term Seafarer
- b) Digital transformations in process., where shore leave will be issued online. Presently, the trial run in progress., the system will be put in place at the earliest for implementation.
- c) Have suggested that Seafarers BSID feed can be provided to the MHA Shore pass system, and same can be issued basis the same without checking the passports.
- d) Meeting with MHA IT team officials and NIC officials for necessary integration of data feed from BSID to MHA shore pass system for transparency and quick issuance of shore passes.
- e) Foreign seafarers can also apply through agents online and will be issued online
- f) Shore passes will be issued for 7 days., with daily renewal for timings 8am to 8pm.
2) No uniformity followed in shore leave issuance in Indian ports
- a) A standard SOP for shore leave is prepared by DGS and shared with MHA, same is to be reviewed and will be officially notified by MHA for uniform compliances in all ports.
- b) Post issuance of SOP, ICP’s will be issued notices to comply with the same.
- c) Include supernumeraries for shore leave passes with passport and without CDC etc.
3) Foreign crew changes issues
- a) Allow foreign crew sign on / off in Indian ports with transit visa (within 7 days to join vessel)
- b) Allow and facilitate shore leave for medical emergency cases to visit hospitals., irrespective of their nationality (except on nationality with travel ban)
4) Special category proposals for seafarers of demolition vessels
- a) DGS official requested to facilitate shore leave and crew changes for seafarers irrespective of nationality on demolition vessels
- b) Separate SOP will be prepared and shared with MHA for deliberations and inclusions in visa manual.