The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) received the final results of the discussions conducted collectively with various social collaborators, the maritime sector, the main maritime unions, maritime universities, and State institutions with the goal of bringing together the Republic of Panama as an international center of maritime services from the Inter-American School of Social Dialogue, Tripartism, and Conflict Resolution of the University of Panama (EI- DISTREC).

To achieve this mission, 2 work groups were established to review and analyze the existing regulations, seeking to adapt them and incorporate new articles. This innovative and pioneering method in government management had the distinguished facilitators of E-DISTREC from the University of Panama (UP), which is made up of highly experienced personnel in conflict resolution and social dialogue.

Regarding the rules we have:

1- Tripartite Board of the Sea (METRIMAR): Draft Modification of Decree Law 8 of February 26, 1998, which regulates work at sea and waterways and dictates other provisions.

During the year 2020, the legal and technical team of the General Directorate of Seafarers (DGGM) meticulously carried out the lifting of the draft made up of 288 articles that were presented for its tripartite consultation that began on May 13, 2021, when the table was established and ended on April 3, 2023, during which time 105 meetings were held to review the proposed document, which concluded with 191 articles, broken down into 186 agreed, 10 partially approved and 6 in dissent. The document is expected to be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the AMP Board of Directors.

The primary foundation of this Bill is to establish the regulatory framework for work on board internal service merchant vessels in the Republic of Panama, as well as the regulatory framework for work on board Panamanian-flagged commercial fishing vessels of internal and international service, to ensure decent working and living conditions for all workers serving on these two categories of vessels.

1- Merchant Marine Dialogue Table (MEDIMM): for the reform of Law 57 of 2008 General Merchant Marine,

It is important to highlight that this update and review began in 2020, by the General Directorate of Merchant Marine (DGMM), and then on August 17, 2022, the draft was presented to the main maritime unions and other state institutions, who actively participated in the complete review until an updated regulation was obtained that provides answers to clients, that adjusts to the international market so that the Panama Ship Registry can compete on equal terms with other non-state registries that present innovative options to the shipowners.

The modernization of Panamanian maritime legislation will increase job creation, encourage investment in a modern and flexible regulatory framework, and improve the quality of services provided for the benefit of the maritime sector. The outcome of this endeavor is the modification of the laws, which have been discussed and designed to be an effective tool that benefits the maritime sector.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News