Asia’s market for Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO) logged a weekly climb, while downstream bunker premiums received an uplift after being trapped in a tight range for over four months.

Singapore premiums for delivered VLSFO bunker fuel breached $16 per metric ton this week, with support coming from tighter supply for prompt delivery dates, according to trade sources.

The premiums have been capped at levels near $10 per ton since mid-March amid lukewarm demand and ample supply.

Meanwhile, refining margins for fuel oil also edged higher from the previous week.

VLSFO cracks for August closed at premiums of around $11.70 per barrel on Friday, up more than 10% week-on-week, based on LSEG’s data.

High Sulphur Fuel Oil margins also retained strength, with 380-cst cracks closing at discounts of about $4.70 per barrel, climbing more than 15% from last week.

As for tenders, Taiwan’s Formosa offered 40,000 metric tons of main column bottoms, scheduled to load from Mailiao port between Aug. 17-19, sources said. The tender closes on Friday.

Source: XM