Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court granted bail to Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday, with a bond set at Rs 1 lakh in the money laundering case linked to the alleged excise policy controversy. The court rejected the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) request to delay the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader’s bail order for 48 hours.

Kejriwal, who has been in custody since March 21, received temporary bail last month to campaign for his party during the Lok Sabha elections. The court imposed conditions on his bail, including restrictions against interfering with the investigation or influencing witnesses. Kejriwal is also required to appear before the court when needed and to cooperate fully with the investigation.

Special Judge, Niyay Bindu issued the bail order after considering arguments from both the prosecution and defense. On Wednesday, Kejriwal’s judicial custody had been extended until July 3. The judge reserved the order earlier in the day following the ED’s attempt to link Kejriwal to the alleged proceeds of crime and co-accused individuals. The defense contended that the prosecution lacked sufficient evidence against the AAP leader.

The ED plans to challenge the trial court’s decision in the Delhi High Court on Friday morning.

‘Truth Can Be Troubled, Not Defeated’

AAP leader Atishi expressed her relief with the statement “Satyamev Jayate” (truth alone triumphs) after the bail was granted.

Kejriwal’s arrest was connected to allegations of financial irregularities in the excise policy, prompting a high-profile investigation by the ED. The case has garnered significant public and political attention.

AAP’s Saurabh Bharadwaj remarked, “The Rouse Avenue court’s decision to grant bail to CM Arvind Kejriwal is a milestone for the entire country. This decision will set a significant precedent in our legal system. Under the PMLA, most individuals receive relief only from the Supreme Court. Lower courts rarely grant such relief, indicating that the central government lacks substantial evidence in this case.”

AAP national spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar added, “This case is completely fabricated, with the entire narrative being constructed in the BJP office. We are very thankful to the court for this historic decision. Regular bail in a PMLA case is almost equivalent to an acquittal.”