Cargill’s Ann Shazell is to be the new chair of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN).
Newly elected MACN chair Shazell is the Group Lead Lawyer for Cargill’s Ocean Transportation business and has also been a board member of MACN since 2019.
Meanwhile Rajesh Unni, Founder and CEO of Synergy Group has been elected Vice Chair, and Martin Krafft, Vice President of Fleet Management at Fednav has joined the board.
MACN CEO, Cecilia Müller Torbrand, said “I am very pleased to welcome both Ann and Rajesh to these roles. Both are recognized industry leaders with strong skill sets. I would also like to thank John Sypnowich, who stepped down from the Chair after four years in the role, for his commitment, passion, and drive over the last four years. He has helped lead MACN through a period of extraordinary achievement and growth.”
Shazell said: “This is an exciting time for MACN with the growth of our membership, the expansion of our collective action work and HelpDesk support network, and the development and launch of our Global Port Integrity Platform.”
Source: Seatrade Maritime News