Hope Leads To?

Hope Leads To?
Hope is a wheel that drives our life ahead. It gives us the strength to conquer despair and misery, caused by misfortune. It means that life doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom. Every moment we live is a chance to turn things around, change our perspective, find our...
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Survival And Beyond

Survival And Beyond
When a predator begins its furious spring for grabbing prey, each animal in the herd races, and who gets hunted? The one who struggles behind? No, but the one who has been already targeted by the predator. The race here is not for the victory but for the survival and...
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When we hear of the word ‘Criticism’, we generally believe it to be something negative that lowers self-esteem and causes stress, anger, or even aggression. The term is directly presumed to be obstructive. Knowingly or unknowingly, it is a form of communication. But...
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Ignorance Is Bliss

Ignorance Is Bliss
When we say, ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’, we are indicating that not knowing things or being unaware is more comfortable than knowing it. As dubious as the expression is, sometimes it is probable in certain situations. In regards to professional life, one’s attitude...
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Repentance is a feeling of pain or regret for what has been done or is omitted to do. It is not merely acknowledging wrongdoings but also starting fresh with a broader view and turning away from sin to good deeds. With repentance comes a change of heart that leads to...
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