
In the world, there are multiple types of people but we always find a vast number of followers but few leaders down the line. Since the beginning of time, we have witnessed many great leaders, coming from a different culture, practicing different religions, and...
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Starting from our home to the community we live in, we walk great values in life, which define us, teach us and assist us to live a life full of contentment and satisfaction. These values determine the parameters for our actions and decisions in tough times, and not...
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Take a Break

Take a Break
Every person on this planet goes through something or the other, an episode in life where every individual comes across disappointments and dissatisfaction, a chapter that seems unending and difficult to survive, a feeling that keeps them drowning deeper and deeper....
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Peace is a mind-body phenomenon that gives us a feel-good factor. It is a carefree feeling which comes from within, resulting in outward happiness. In fact, it is a reflection of every good thing happening to us. We yearn for this blissful state of mind our whole...
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‘Struggle’, the word that reminds us of all the things that we have been through or going through to fulfill our dreams in life! So, does the struggle end when we achieve our goals? Well, those who think, it does, sorry to upset you, but it doesn’t! From the moment we...
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Love: Affection, Relationship And Attachment

Love: Affection, Relationship  And Attachment
Love is the essence of life, which affects everyone in different ways and different forms. It strikes anyone anytime and is not limited to lovers but encompasses different types of relations and admiration towards partner, parents and friends etc. Love is not merely...
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