Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure
Peers are the people belonging to the same societal group based on their age, grade or status. They are part of the same circle and influence each other in one way or the other. So basically, peers are nothing but the friends or people we choose in our life. As...
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Appreciation Comes With The Realization Of Mortality

Appreciation Comes With The Realization Of Mortality
We spend our lives struggling with our own perception of others, doubting them, blaming them and fighting with them. As age catches up with us the animosity, jealousy and rivalry only tends to increase. Criticism becomes an enduring part of our lives. A lot of time is...
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Endurance: An Ability To Overcome Challenges

Endurance: An Ability To Overcome Challenges
As human beings, consistently yearning for a better life and a better version of ourselves is inherent in us. Our struggles and hard work are driven by our desire for personal evolution. Life without challenges may sound very pleasant but we can never realize our...
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Experience: An Expansion of Idea

Experience: An Expansion of Idea
We exist, but do we really live? Well, that is the question we need to ask ourselves. We live in a very small world, from every single moment to the next, is an experience. And with every new experience, life brings maturity and clarity in its own ways. As it is said,...
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Confidence: An Individual

Confidence: An Individual
Confidence is a belief that determines our ability to overcome all weakness and limitations while understanding and analyzing complex situations and thoroughly doing what we want. The attribute of confidence and reliability can never be taught by anyone, it only...
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Fear: An Illness

Fear: An Illness
Fear is a factor when triggered can certainly threaten our physical, emotional, or psychological well-being. It is like cancer that roots in our brain and continues to grow slowly and steadily until it takes the toll on us entirely. It is a disease that paralyses our...
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