Strive To ‘Stand Out’ Not To Be ‘Left Out’

Strive To ‘Stand Out’  Not To Be ‘Left Out’
Imagine yourself being excluded from a group or a circle you thought to be an integral part of. Disturbing, isn’t it? Being left out is a painful emotional state that makes us feel lonely and distanced from everyone else. Be it getting sidelined in a group of friends,...
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Acceptance – The Final Path to Enlightenment

Acceptance – The Final Path to Enlightenment
One has to accept themselves and conquer their emotions to attain success in life! It is important to be yourself and to understand where your adherence lies, without being compromised by your sentiments. May it be any feeling that you encounter but how you tackle...
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Little by Little One Travels Far

Little by Little One Travels Far
Everything that we perceive in life is interconnected to other. In another aspect we create life moment by moment, knowingly or unknowingly. But how exactly do we know what step to take for survival? Or is it really the matter of survival or living on your own terms?...
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Reflect The Light To Shine Bright

Reflect The Light To Shine Bright
One day, while I was driving back home, my eyes happened to glance at the moon. At that moment, it occurred to me that the moon is only a reflector of light. So as we look upon the observable universe, all the planets that we perceive take their shine from a single...
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Each moment, as we live it, is the only reality. So, the past which has passed and the future which shall follow are no more than fleeting dreams. An individual who relishes the present moment, finds a space to sit and contemplate. To him/her the mystery of how and...
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Time: A Precious Instrument

Time: A Precious Instrument
Success is a staircase, but in order to climb it, one must master to utilize the time wisely. Time being the only thing that is limitless, we waste it in waiting for the right opportunity to strike. But we often forget that opportunities are to be created. The past is...
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