China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd. (“CMES”) issued an announcement announcing that through its wholly owned subsidiary Haihong Shipping (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. signed ten “shipbuilding agreements.”

According to the agreement, China Merchants Energy Shipping will order 10 new-generation energy-saving and environmentally friendly oil tankers, investing approximately 6.638 billion yuan.

According to the announcement, China Merchants Energy Shipping will order five 306,000-dwt VLCCs (very large crude carriers) and five 115,000-dwt Aframax tankers. All oil tankers are new-generation energy-saving and environmentally friendly ships equipped with advanced environmental protection equipment, such as shaft generators and desulfurization scrubbers, capable of meeting the latest nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide, and carbon dioxide emission requirements.

These tankers will be built by Dalian Shipbuilding and its affiliated shipyards, and the expected delivery time is from 2027 to 2028. The announcement did not disclose the price of a single ship but stated that the total investment amount for the 10 ships was approximately 6.638 billion yuan.

Source: Port News