The International Maritime Organization has set a goal for net-zero emissions in the shipping industry by 2050. China, being a major shipping nation, is rapidly progressing towards this objective. Wu Bin reports.

This ship-building factory belongs to the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, the world’s largest ship-building group. The facility is responsible for constructing China’s first domestically-built large cruise ship, the Adora Magic City.

The ship employs the world’s first set of AC systems that use carbon dioxide as a refrigerant, a much more eco-friendly approach than traditional freon. And this is just one of the many new technologies onboard.

WU BIN Shanghai “At the largest global shipping industry exhibition held in Shanghai this week, many of the green technologies used by Chinese firms have attracted the attention of companies from around the world.”

This Chinese company presented a system called “carbon capture”. The system is specially designed for almost 10,000 ships that cannot use new energy as fuels.

SHEN FEIXIANG, General Manager, Qiyao Environ Tec “The Diesel Carbon Capture System was developed to address carbon emissions from ships. It uses a special absorbent to capture and separate carbon dioxide from ship exhaust gases. It will then be liquefied and transported to land for sequestration or reuse.”

Decarbonization, as an unstoppable trend, has become a hot topic among international companies as well.

CLAUS VOGEL, Managing Director, Danfoss IXA A/S “The awareness of the Marin industry is increasing. And we’re more relevant than we have ever been before. And it’s a good time for business and China is the right place to be.”

LI YANQING, Secretary General, China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry “In the pursuit of decarbonization, China should better utilize its robust industrial foundation, strong resilience, and the strength in technological research in recent years, to provide more technological solutions for the global maritime industry, especially for the goal of decarbonization.”

Statistics from the China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry show that from January to October last year, over 45% of the new shipbuilding orders received by China were for green ships. And this percentage continues to increase. Wu Bin, CGTN, Shanghai.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News