
Life Must Be Lived The Way It Comes

Each moment, as we live it, is the only reality. So, the past which has passed and the future which...
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Good And Evil Live Within Us

Good and evil are two sides of the same coin; both co-exist within every individual. Every criminal, murderer, rapist, and...
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Life Is Too Short To Settle Down

The term settling down is not unfamiliar to us. Every person at some point is faced with the question of...
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Your Thoughts Shape Your Happiness

There is a saying which reads, "A bend in the road is not the end of the road....unless you fail...
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Overthinking- A Disease

The human mind is made to sustain an ample amount of data and information and as creative as it can...
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Money- A Blessing Or A Curse

Money has always been an integral part of our lives, be it purchasing things for oneself or helping others, somewhere...
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Shoulder To Shoulder

As Mr. Roni Abraham is out of town, I took the privilege of writing this editorial When we speak of...
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People Eye Honorable Positions – WHY?

Corruption today is not only a vice but is slowly and surely becoming a way of life in every sector...
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In an organization, the term ‘colleagues’ is defined as co-workers but in a broader sense, colleagues are partners working towards...
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Hope Leads To?

Hope is a wheel that drives our life ahead. It gives us the strength to conquer despair and misery, caused...
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Survival And Beyond

When a predator begins its furious spring for grabbing prey, each animal in the herd races, and who gets hunted?...
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When we hear of the word ‘Criticism’, we generally believe it to be something negative that lowers self-esteem and causes...
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Ignorance Is Bliss

When we say, ‘Ignorance Is Bliss', we are indicating that not knowing things or being unaware is more comfortable than...
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Repentance is a feeling of pain or regret for what has been done or is omitted to do. It is...
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Use TIME, OPPORTUNITY, and KIND WORDS to boost your growth!

I recently read a quote that resonated strongly with me “There are 4 things we can never recover in our...
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In the world, there are multiple types of people but we always find a vast number of followers but few...
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Starting from our home to the community we live in, we walk great values in life, which define us, teach...
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Take a Break

Every person on this planet goes through something or the other, an episode in life where every individual comes across...
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Peace is a mind-body phenomenon that gives us a feel-good factor. It is a carefree feeling which comes from within,...
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‘Struggle’, the word that reminds us of all the things that we have been through or going through to fulfill...
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