North America
Houston’s demand for bunker fuel has decreased this week after a spike in demand last week. Availability of both VLSFO and LSMGO has been good, and some suppliers can deliver both grades within 3-5 days. Prompt HSFO supply is available and lead times of 4-5 days are recommended for the grade.
A moderate to high risk of fog and reduced visibility is forecast around Corpus Christi over the weekend, which could delay vessel traffic around the region and in the Houston Ship Channel, Norton Lilly says.
The US Gulf Coast fog season usually lasts until March, with more frequent channel closures between December and January due to poor visibility.
Securing VLSFO and LSMGO stems for prompt dates is possible in Beaumont. One supplier can supply VLSFO and LSMGO stems within 2-3 days. Also, both grades are available for prompt dates in Bolivar Roads. Some suppliers can deliver VLSFO and LSMGO stems there within five days of lead time.
Bunker operations have resumed in the Galveston Offshore Lightering Area (GOLA) after it had been suspended since Monday. A window of calm weather is forecast between Thursday and Friday morning, which could enable bunker operations to resume in GOLA before conditions are set to deteriorate again.
GOLA has seen bunker demand wane as a result of the weather disruptions, and this has prevented a further backlog of waiting vessels to build, a source says.
Securing prompt VLSFO and LSMGO stems is possible at the New Orleans Outer Anchorage (NOLA). Several suppliers are able to offer both fuel grades with a lead time of 3-5 days. Overall bunker demand has slowed down this week at the anchorage.
Demand has been low for all grades in the West Coast ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, as it has been for the past two weeks. Despite low demand, all grades remain tight for prompt delivery dates in the West Coast ports.
Availability of VLSFO and LSMGO has improved in the East Coast port of New York. Both grades can be secured within 3-4 days of lead time, as demand has slowed down in the port this week.
Caribbean and Latin America
Demand for all fuel grades has been steady in Panama’s ports of Balboa and Cristobal in the past week. Availability has been very good for VLSFO and LSMGO, and most suppliers are able to offer stems within 3-4 days in Balboa. HSFO can be secured with a lead time of about seven days.
VLSFO and LSMGO delivery is possible for prompt dates off Trinidad, but these offers are generally quoted on a subject to enquiry basis, a source says.
Availability of VLSFO and LSMGO is normal for prompt dates at Argentina’s Zona Comun anchorage. Most suppliers can deliver stems within five days of lead time. However, bunker operations are likely to be disrupted at the anchorage over the weekend when strong wind gusts are forecast.
VLSFO and LSMGO supply is good for prompt dates in Brazilian ports including Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Itaqui and Rio Grande. One supplier can deliver within 4-6 days of lead time.
Source: Hellenic Shipping News