Northwest Europe
HSFO availability has shown signs of improvement in Rotterdam. Some sources say that product loading delays and congestion at oil terminals in the ARA hub have eased a bit, resulting in improved supply now.

Lead times of 5-7 days are recommended for full coverage from suppliers in Rotterdam. Some barges have been waiting for seven days to load the product, down from 10 days last week, a trader claims.

HSFO availability is still tight in Amsterdam. One supplier is almost out of stock there, adding pressure on others’ supply.

VLSFO and LSMGO availability is normal in Rotterdam and in the wider ARA hub. Lead times of 4-5 days are recommended for VLSFO, and four days for LSMGO.

Bunker fuel supply is said to be normal for all grades in the German port of Hamburg. Lead times of up to five days are recommended there.
VLSFO and LSMGO availability remains normal for delivery off Skaw, a source says. Recommended lead times for both grades are around 7-10 days.

Availability of VLSFO and LSMGO is normal in Algeciras and Gibraltar. Lead times of 4-6 days are recommended for VLSFO, and 2-4 days for LSMGO. Six vessels were waiting for bunkers in Gibraltar on Wednesday, port agent MH Bland says.

One supplier in Gibraltar was experiencing delays of 24-28 hours on Wednesday, MH Bland says.

In the Greek port of Piraeus, prompt VLSFO and LSMGO availability remains very tight, a source says. Bunker fuel production from local refineries has been low in recent weeks, which has resulted in tightening availability in Greece, the source adds.

Other bunker delivery locations in the Mediterranean such as off Malta and Istanbul have normal availability of VLSFO and LSMGO. Lead times of three days are recommended in both ports.

VLSFO availability is normal in Durban and Richards Bay in South Africa. Lead times of up to seven days are recommended in these ports. LSMGO availability is relatively tighter across most of the ports in South Africa, a source says.

HSFO and LSMGO availability is normal in Mozambique’s Nacala port, a source says. VLSFO supply is very tight in the port. The earliest delivery date with a supplier there is 17 November. On the other hand, LSMGO availability is normal in Maputo, but barge availability has tightened there. VLSFO is also tight in Maputo, where a supplier can offer the earliest delivery on 10 November.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News