NEW DELHI: During a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Wednesday, India highlighted the UN’s shortcomings in addressing complex global issues, including terrorism, pandemics, climate change, emerging technologies, cyberattacks, and the disruptive influence of non-state actors.

Ravindra, Chargé d’Affaires & Deputy Permanent Representative of India, stated, “While we may have succeeded in preventing another world war, this does not hide the reality of the UN’s inability to respond to increasingly complex global challenges such as terrorism, pandemics, climate change, threats posed by emerging technologies, cyberattacks, and the disruptive role of non-state actors.”

India reiterated its call for time-bound negotiations to reform the UNSC, criticizing the manipulation of council mechanisms by major powers as detrimental to the multilateral spirit. Ravindra emphasized the importance of adapting the UNSC to contemporary realities, noting that the current global multipolarity is here to stay.

“The primary reason the multilateral system has failed to deliver is that it is still stuck in a 1945 vintage binary outlook reflected clearly in the composition of this Security Council. The core of India’s position on reformed multilateralism, therefore, lies in a call for the reform of the UN Security Council that is reflective of contemporary realities of today,” the ambassdor said.

Ambassador Ravindra urged for a renewed commitment to timely discussions on reforming the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), emphasizing the importance of adhering to a set timeline for these negotiations while criticizing the actions of certain powerful nations or groups that undermine the process.

“Multilateral Cooperation in the Interest of a More Just, Democratic and Sustainable World Order.” The Indian Ambassador addressed the UNSC during an Open Debate.