During the 58th session of the UN human rights council on Thursday, India harshly criticized Pakistan, describing it as a “failed state that thrives on instability and survives on international handouts.” In a harsh rebuttal, Indian diplomat Kshitij Tyagi charged that Pakistan was disseminating lies and using the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as a “mouthpiece” to further its objectives against India.

It is unfortunate that Pakistan’s leaders and delegates are still disseminating lies that have been passed down from the country’s military-terrorist complex. By using the OIC as a mouthpiece, Pakistan is demeaning it. It is regrettable that a failed state that thrives on instability and subsists on international handouts continues to waste this Council’s time. Its inhumane acts, hypocritical rhetoric, and inept leadership are all blatantly obvious. India is still committed to democracy, development, and upholding the dignity of its citizens. “Values from which Pakistan would benefit,” Tyagi stated.