Apart from this, document processing fee of Tk 30 per consignment, container scanning fee of Tk 254 and escort charge of Tk 85 per kilometre have to be paid.

Goods during transit cannot be transported on other routes beyond the specified route as per the agreement, the National Board of Revenue (NBR) said in a notification on Monday 24 April.

According to the standing order, C&F agents have to apply to Mongla and Chittagong Customs for registration as transit operators. After the application verification, if the results are satisfactory, the eligible C&F agents will have to submit a Tk 10,000 (non-refundable) treasury challan, an unconditional bank guarantee of Tk 10 lakh and a risk bond of Tk 50 lakh.

If the transit-transhipment goods fail to cross the geographical border of Bangladesh within seven days, the operator will have to pay the duty-tax penalty for the goods.

If the goods fail to reach the destination due to natural causes or the vehicle breaks down, a letter should be sent to the concerned VAT Commissionerate office giving details, the NBR notification said.

The order further states that scanning of every transit-transhipment challan will be done. Then the electronic seal lock will be installed. A manual inspection of the goods will be carried out if discrepancies are found in the scanning.

Source: Sagar Sandesh