As it saluted seafarers on the annual International Day of the Seafarer, Jamaica has praised the role mariners across the globe play in protecting the marine environment.

In his Day of the Seafarer address, Rear Admiral Peter Brady, Director General of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica, said: “The International Day of the Seafarer gives us the opportunity to recognize the crucial role seafarers play in preventing pollution of the marine environment by ships through operational causes or accidents. The professionalism, expertise, and dedication of our seafarers are a significant element in implementing the global regulations which protect our environment.”

Noting that this year marks 50 years since the International Maritime Organization adopted its International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), Rear Admiral Brady observed: “Every day hundreds of thousands of seafarers across the world help to enforce the IMO’s crucial environmental treaties by implementing the rules which apply to many aspects of shipping. As the shipping industry accelerates its support for global efforts to combat climate change, by moving towards decarbonization, seafarers’ actions and voices are the keys to ensuring a successful transition to a carbon-zero future. Seafarers we salute you.”

His comments were amplified by The Hon. Daryl Vaz, MP, Jamaica’s Minister of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport. Describing seafarers as “unsung heroes” he said: “The dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment of our seafarers and the maritime industry are truly commendable. Today, we specially highlight your vital role as custodians of MARPOL and stewards of the marine environment.

“Today, as we celebrate the Day of the Seafarer, we collectively express gratitude for your invaluable contributions and role play as custodians of our marine environment. Together, let us continue to protect our oceans.”

As part of its celebrations to mark the Day of the Seafarer, the Maritime Authority of Jamaica will host a webinar on Friday, June 29 entitled “Seafarers, MARPOL and the Marine Environment.”

Source: Hellenic Shipping News