Latsco Marine Management Inc. has successfully established a partnership with TUV Hellas (TUV NORD) to validate and verify the EnviroMetrics Insight Module, a key component of the developed Latsco Data Integration Platform. This in-house platform collects, validates, synchronizes, and presents data from multiple sources across all Latsco Group Companies, generating insight performance indices, visualizations for daily operations, and preparing compliance reports.

The EnviroMetrics Insight module is designed to retrieve and process vessel emissions data, visualize GHG pollutant quantities, calculate environmental KPIs, and display factors influencing respective vessel performance for validation and justification purposes. Deliverables are supported by internally developed controls, ensuring the collection and processing of high-quality data essential for decision-making.

Latsco’s commitment to data accuracy and reliability of platform deliverables is proven by engaging TUV Hellas, a top-quality independent third-party accreditation body, to validate and verify key processes of the EnviroMetrics Insight module. This partnership showcases Latsco’s strategy to control, validate, re-engineer, and continuously improve internal operations, reflecting the Company’s orientation to blend its extensive experience with the strength of data in the decision- making process.

Antonis Georgantzis, Latsco’s Chief Operating Officer, commented: “We are proud to partner with TUV Hellas, a subsidiary of TUV NORD, to validate and verify our EnviroMetrics Insight Module. This initiative, driven by Latsco’s pioneering effort, is being undertaken for the first time in the maritime industry. Such a partnership reinforces our commitment to transparency, accuracy, environmental responsibility, and operational excellence. By ensuring our data meets the highest quality, we can confidently report to the IMO, EU Commission, and other stakeholders, contributing to a sustainable future.”

Iasonas Zacharioudakis, Latsco’s Operational Technology and Energy Manager, remarked: “Accurate data and verified processes are prerequisites for continuous improvement. Developing tools internally provides the flexibility and rigorous control needed for excellence. TUV Hellas’s validation and verification of our tools and processes adds immense value and confidence, reinforcing our commitment to high-quality and reliable data-driven decisions”.

Vasiliki Kalampokidou, TUV Hellas (TUV NORD) Vice President System Certification, shared: “We are honored that Latsco Marine Management Inc., chose and trusted TUV Hellas for our Verification and Validation Services of the EnviroMetrics Insight module. The audit process included effectiveness, validity, and security of data flow, as well as carbon Footprint regulatory requirements for the company’s fleet. We are proud to be a part of Latsco’s sustainability strategy that is, safeguarding its stakeholders’ interests, and pursuing excellence”.

TUV Hellas, a subsidiary of the German TÜV NORD Group, has been active in Greece since 1987, providing third-party inspection and certification services to both private and public sector enterprises.

Latsco and TUV Hellas look forward to a fruitful collaboration, advancing the maritime industry’s standards for data integrity, sustainability, and environmental responsibility.

Source: Hellenic Shipping News