Seatrade Maritime Salvage & Wreck, the leading conference for the salvage industry, will bring together industry stakeholders for an insightful discussion on seafarer mental health and wellbeing in a dedicated session titled “Psychological factors in emergency response: Managing mental health in a post-casualty situation”. Taking place as part of the agenda on Thursday 7 December, the session will bring psychologists together with key industry stakeholders to dissect whether enough is currently being done to support seafarers in the aftermath of a casualty, and if a lack of support is contributing to casualties at sea.

According to the MARTHA report, fatigue can have serious safety and long-term physical and mental health implications on seafarers. Long tours lasting six months or more can lead to increased sleepiness, loss of sleep quality, and reduced motivation. Any of these outcomes could result in near-misses and accidents onboard.

Moderated by Founder and CEO of Intent Communications, Namrata Nadkarni, this frank conversation will provide delegates with an insight into how the industry can improve its response to mental wellbeing, both in the aftermath of a casualty and across the career lifespan of a seafarer.

Confirmed panelists include:

  • Dr. Rachel Glynn-Williams – Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Seaways Psychology Services
  • Mariangela Zanaki – Organisational Development Consultant – Psychologist, Ceosan Consulting
  • Stephanie Sjöblad – Loss Prevention Executive, Alandia Insurance
  • Dr. Pennie Blackburn, Consultant Clinical Psychologist – PsiConsultation
  • Nippin Anand – Master Mariner and Founder, Novellus Solution

“Protecting the mental health of seafarers is of paramount importance for not just the salvage industry, but the wider shipping sector too,” said Chris Morley, Group Director of Seatrade Maritime.

“Although we have seen great improvements made across the industry in protecting mental wellbeing, there are still opportunities to do better and improve awareness. Ensuring this industry-wide conversation continues, especially at events such as Seatrade Maritime Salvage & Wreck, is imperative for progress and we look forward to reflecting on the insights as a result of this crucial session,” finished Morley.

Source: The Maritime Executive