Last week, OceanScore reaffirmed its commitment to the Greek maritime industry by actively participating in two prominent events in Athens, to share latest insights into FuelEU, as well as conducting on-site workshops with clients to transfer practical knowledge and best practices. As the shipping industry prepares for the upcoming FuelEU Maritime regulations that come into effect 1 Jan 2025, OceanScore is leading the conversation on the regulatory landscape, preparations needed, and the commercial opportunities that lie ahead. The first event, Marine Money Athens, took place on October 15. Ralf Garrn, OceanScore’s CoManaging Director delivered an insightful presentation on the commercial and financial opportunities associated with FuelEU. His speech emphasized the need for shipowners and operators to act swiftly to comply with the new regulatory requirements, which aim to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from maritime transport. FuelEU represents not only a challenge, but also a pathway to new revenue streams for proactive companies that are ready to embrace the technology leading to more informed decisions. Discussions about the commercial options and joint benefits must occur between all three main stakeholders (Owner, DOC Holder and Charterer) “No one can make a beneficial decision alone. It will be a joint effort to transform FuelEU penalties into a commercial benefit for all the parties involved.”, says coManaging Director, Ralf Garrn.

The week concluded with OceanScore’s participation in the ESG Shipping Awards Conference on October 18. Ralf Garrn moderated a high-level panel discussion on climate change, the evolution of environmental regulations, pathways to zero emissions, and sustainable solutions. The panel featured key industry figures, including Sylvain Julien and Michael Blanding from Berge Bulk, Stergios Stergiou from Capital Group, Vasileios Kosmas from Carnival Corporation, Avraam Gelegenis from Diana Shipping Inc., and Dimitris Solomonides from Lemissoler Navigation Co Ltd, among others. The conversation underscored the urgent need for the maritime sector to adopt greener practices and highlighted practical approaches to achieving decarbonization goals.

OceanScore’s participation in these events, and its continued local presence and support provided through Oriani Hellas, reflects its ongoing dedication to the Greek market, a region that plays a pivotal role in global shipping. Frequent visits to Greece to meet with clients and prospects enable OceanScore to stay closely aligned with the local market’s needs and regulatory concerns. The company continues to support Greek shipowners and operators in navigating complex topics such as the European Emissions Trading System (ETS) and FuelEU regulations by offering tailored solutions designed to ensure compliance and operational efficiency.

“With the introduction of FuelEU Maritime next year, the shipping industry is facing one of the most transformative regulatory shifts in decades,” said Ralf Garrn. “We value our longstanding relationships with Greek shipowners and operators, and we are committed to helping them seize the opportunities that these changes bring while ensuring they meet sustainability targets.”

OceanScore’s FuelEU Planner provides a comprehensive tool set for simulating scenarios of different fuel types and offshore power, also factoring in bunker and ETS costs. By leveraging real-time data analytics and automated reporting, OceanScore empowers the maritime industry to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and not only achieve compliance with ease, but to also find the opportunity in the regulations.
Source: OceanScore, represented by Oriani Hellas