In the world of competitive shooting, where precision and focus are paramount, Manu Bhaker stands out as a young athlete who has garnered acclaim for her impressive achievements. Yet, behind the medals and accolades, Bhaker navigates a landscape shaped by intense scrutiny and personal challenges. In a recent conversation, she opened up about her experiences with nervousness, societal pressure, and her vision for the future of shooting sports in India.

For Manu Bhaker, nervousness is an inherent part of competitive shooting, a sport that demands not just physical skill but also immense mental fortitude. Bhaker candidly discussed how nervousness manifests before big events and how she manages it.

“Feeling nervous before a big competition is natural,” Bhaker explained. “The key is to channel that nervous energy into focus rather than letting it overwhelm you. I use techniques like deep breathing and visualization to calm my mind and prepare myself mentally.”

The pressure to perform is amplified by societal expectations and media scrutiny. As one of India’s leading young shooters, Bhaker faces not only the pressure to maintain her form but also to meet the high expectations set by fans and critics alike.

“Societal pressure can be intense,” she acknowledged. “People have high expectations, and it can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, I’ve learned to focus on my own goals and trust my training. It’s important to stay grounded and remember why I started this journey in the first place.”

Bhaker’s perspective highlights a common struggle among athletes: balancing external pressures with internal motivation and self-belief.

Looking ahead, Manu Bhaker is optimistic about the future of shooting sports in India. She believes that with continued support and investment, the sport can achieve even greater heights.

“I see a bright future for shooting in India,” Bhaker said. “There’s a growing interest in the sport, and we have the potential to develop a strong pipeline of talent. What we need is more infrastructure, better training facilities, and greater encouragement at the grassroots level.”

Bhaker’s vision includes enhancing the visibility of shooting sports and creating more opportunities for young shooters to excel. She advocates for increased funding and resources to nurture emerging talent and improve the overall standard of the sport in the country.