JAMMU: In an ongoing crackdown on terror networks in Kishtwar district, the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) of the J&K Police on Friday seized properties worth crores belonging to 11 Pakistan-based commanders of terrorist organizations.
“This action marks a significant step in dismantling terrorism and thwarting attempts to revive insurgency in the Chenab Valley,” a police spokesperson stated.
Authorities confirmed that the process to attach the properties of 18 additional absconding terrorists, who have already been identified, is currently underway.
Sharing details, Kishtwar SSP Javaid Iqbal Mir said the latest action stems from investigations into a criminal conspiracy and other charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) against the 11 terrorists.
The individuals whose properties were seized include Shabir Ahmed alias Junaid, Jamal Din Naik alias Mudassir, Shabir Ahmed, Manzoor Ahmed, Ghulam Mohd Gujjar, Ghulam Nabi alias Majid, Mohd Shafi alias Amjad, Ghulam Hussain Sheikh, Bashir Ahmed Raina alias Showkat, Ghulam Ahmed alias Javid, and Gulabu.