A Russian parliamentary deputy has claimed that the world is on the brink of a third world war following Ukraine’s
incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. He emphasized the role of Western military equipment and foreign involvement in
the conflict. Meanwhile, North Korea has voiced its support for Russia amid accusations that China, Iran, and North Korea
are aiding Russia’s war efforts.
On Friday, Russian parliamentary deputy Mikhail Sheremet stated that the world is on the verge of a third world war
because of the Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. He pointed out that the involvement of Western military
equipment, Western ammunition and missiles used in attacks on civilian infrastructure, and clear evidence of foreign
participation in the assault on Russian territory suggest that global conflict could be imminent, according to RIA.
In an interview with Izvestia newspaper, Putin’s aide Nikolai Patrushev accused the West of orchestrating the attack,
alleging that NATO and Western intelligence agencies were involved in planning the Kursk operation, though he provided
no evidence.
Simultaneously, Ukraine and its allies have claimed that Russia is receiving support from China, Iran, and North Korea in
its war efforts. Earlier on Friday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reiterated his commitment to enhancing cooperation
with Russia and expressed confidence in Moscow’s success in its “holy war for peace and justice.”