THANE: In a miraculous turn of events, a two-year-old girl survived a fall from the 13th-floor balcony of a high-rise in Dombivli, Maharashtra, thanks to the quick-thinking actions of a passerby. The man, identified as Bhavesh Mhatre, managed to break the toddler’s fall, preventing what could have been a fatal accident.
The incident, which took place in the Devichapada area last week, has garnered widespread attention after a video of Mhatre’s heroic act went viral on social media. Netizens have lauded him as a real-life hero for his courageous and selfless response.
Act of Courage Caught on Camera
In the viral footage, Mhatre, wearing a blue shirt, is seen walking near the building when he notices the child dangling from the 13th-floor balcony. Acting on instinct, he rushes to position himself to catch the falling toddler. Although he couldn’t fully catch her, his intervention softened the impact, leaving the child with only minor injuries.
Eyewitnesses said the girl slipped while playing on the balcony and hung precariously before falling. “She was hanging on the edge for a few moments before she fell,” said an onlooker.
“No Religion Greater Than Humanity,” Says Mhatre
Mhatre, reflecting on the incident, said he was simply passing by the building and acted without hesitation. “There’s no religion greater than courage and humanity,” he told reporters.
Local civic officials praised his bravery and are planning to publicly felicitate him for his heroic act.
Safety Concerns in High-Rise Apartments
This is not the first such incident in India. Last year, a three-year-old girl miraculously survived a fall from the 27th floor of a residential building in Noida after landing on a 12th-floor balcony.
Incidents like these have sparked renewed concerns over the safety of children in high-rise buildings. Experts have urged residents to take precautions, such as installing safety nets or childproofing balconies, to prevent such accidents.
Mhatre’s timely act serves as a powerful reminder of the impact one individual’s courage and humanity can have in saving a life.