India launched its inaugural multi-nation air combat exercise, Tarang Shakti, at Sulur in Tamil Nadu on Tuesday. The exercise features Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon jets, along with military aircraft from France, Germany, the UK, and Spain, participating alongside the Indian Air Force’s frontline fighters.

The second phase of this extensive exercise will be held in Jodhpur from August 29 to September 12, following the conclusion of the first phase on August 14. In total, 67 fighters and military aircraft from 10 countries and observers from 18 other nations will join Tarang Shakti to enhance India’s military interoperability and strategic partnerships globally.

India will contribute 75 to 80 fighters, aircraft, and helicopters to the exercise. “The aim of the exercise is to build mutual trust, explore further avenues for interoperability, and incorporate each other’s best practices, thereby strengthening our strategic relations with friendly foreign countries,” stated IAF Vice Chief Air, Marshal A P Singh.

On Tuesday, Air Marshal Singh piloted a Tejas fighter from Sulur for an “aerial rendezvous” with German Air Force commander Lt-Gen Ingo Gerhartz, who flew a Typhoon jet during the exercise.

India is also showcasing its defense production capabilities and capacities through expositions on the sidelines of the exercise, with visits for foreign officials to defense R&D and technical hubs in Bengaluru and Hyderabad.

German ambassador Philipp Ackermann remarked, “Tarang Shakti is Germany’s first joint exercise with India on the subcontinent. It showcases our deepened partnership with India for a secure and prosperous region, together with our European friends.”

British high commissioner Lindy Cameron expressed her delight that the Royal Air Force was a key participant, noting, “Our cooperation in security and defense spans across seas, land, and air. It is crucial that our armed forces collaborate to preserve stability and enhance prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.”

French ambassador, Thierry Mathou highlighted his country’s participation, saying France, as “India’s trusted partner,” was proud to take part in the exercise.