As part of the commitment powered through the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) with the maritime, port and logistic sectors of the country, we can inform that after 105 meetings, the tripartite consultation process held by the Sea Tripartite Table, ended, with the participation of representatives from the government, workers and employers. This process highlighted the principles of social dialogue, within a transparency, respect and collaboration environment due to the adoption of the new legislation to be applied onboard all merchant ships of Panamanian flag, navigating the interior waters and to the ships of commercial fishing and Panamanian flag navigating in interior and international waters.

METRIMAR foresees the adoption of a new and strong labor law that after being under a wide tripartite consultation process must be sent by the Panama Maritime Authority to the Ministry of the Presidency, and afterwards, to the National Assembly of Panama.

This is a project of great value for the national maritime industry, for which a table of social tripartite dialogue was summoned, without precedent, to discuss labour matters in the national maritime scope, an action that has been recognized and celebrated by the sectors representing the seafarers and fishermen, as well as the sectors representing the shipowners and owners of fishing ships, even in other forums of the social scope in Panama.  This is expected to benefit the feasibility of the document when presented before the Panama National Assembly.

During 2020, the General Directorate of Seafarers (DGGM) of the Panama Maritime Authority performed the thorough drafting of a proposal document of 288 articles that was presented to start the work in the table in May, 2021, starting METRIMAR. During 2021, METRIMAR discussed and agreed the part of the project dedicated to merchant ships of interior service.

Since February 22, 2022 until August 8, 2022, METRIMAR made a pause, which was used for the School of Social Dialogue, Tripartism and Conflict Resolution (E-DISTREC) of the University of Panama (UP), serving as moderator and facilitator, to review, altogether with the General Directorate of Seafarers, all the material up to where it had been agreed and to make a compendium of all the articles approved to unify the project regarding the part regulating labour onboard merchant ships of interior service.

At the end of May, 2022, the General Directorate of Seafarers met with the representatives of the National Chamber of Fishery and Aquaculture of Panama (CNPA) to organize the reboot of the tripartite table and continue with the hard work that ended last Monday, April 3, 2023.

METRIMAR had the active participation of the following sectors:

  • Government, represented by the Panama Maritime Authority, the Ministry of Labour and Labour Development (MITRADEL) and the Panama Authority of Water Resources (ARAP).
  • Employers, represented by the National Council of Private Business (CONEP) through the Panama Maritime Chamber (CMP) and the National Chamber of Fishery and Aquaculture of Panama (CNPA).
  • Workers, represented by the National Council of Organized Workers (CONATO) and the National Confederation of the Independent Union Unity (CONUSI).
  • The Panamanian Association of Marine Officers (APOM) and the National College of Seafarers (CONAGEMAR)

Source: Hellenic Shipping News