A disturbing incident in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, came to light after a video of a rape was shared on social media. According to the police, a man named Lokesh allegedly raped a scrap collector after intoxicating her in the Agar Naka area.

The incident was recorded by unidentified individuals who witnessed the crime but failed to intervene.

As per Om Prakash Mishra, City Superintendent of Police (CSP) for the Kotwali area, Lokesh promised to marry the woman and coerced her into drinking alcohol before assaulting her on Wednesday.

Bystanders captured the assault on video but did nothing to stop it. Lokesh later fled the scene but was arrested after the victim filed a complaint when the effects of the alcohol had worn off.

Meanwhile, in a separate case in Karnataka, the body of a 19-year-old woman who had gone missing was found with multiple injuries in Gunateerthawadi village.

Police suspect the woman was sexually assaulted before being struck on the head with a stone, leading to her death. Three individuals have been arrested in connection with the crime, which reportedly took place on August 29.

In another shocking incident, a woman with mental health issues was allegedly gang-raped by three of her relatives in Chhattisgarh’s Sakti district. The assault took place in a village under the Dabhra police station’s jurisdiction.

The suspects, who were reportedly intoxicated, took the woman to an abandoned house and raped her. Upon receiving the report, police arrested all three suspects. Villagers allege that two of the accused were involved in the illegal sale of country-made liquor.